<$Project P.E.A.C.E. -- Planet Ecology Advancing Conscious Economics$>
The Limit of Law
At what point does a law become so transparently perverse that it ceases to command respect? When do truth, morality and reason over-rule an unjust, environmentally, economically and socially degenerative law? In the absence of accountability for the truth, is there an obligation to obey such a law, or is there a moral obligation to disobey it?
Prohibition of Cannabis was instituted seventy years ago, primarily in order to make money for a relative few wealthy people, at the expense of many other, poorer people. The laws prohibiting Cannabis hemp cultivation, manufacture and free trade have induced prolonged, essential resource scarcity, induced global food insecurity and malnutrition, global chemical dependence on toxic finite resources, and imposed radical economic disparity. At the same time, the "drug war" has been proven to be -- beyond doubt -- counter-productive to its own stated objectives.
The reason for this is that problems are profitable. A wealthy, all-powerful and voracious bureaucracy has been constructed to suppress economic competition from small scale, organic agriculture. Small farms stabilize regional economics, evenly distribute the wealth of what's truly valuable. Cannabis provides clean fuels, healing food, copious quantities of biodegradable fiber, plastics, and substantial agronomic benefit. Without Cannabis as part of the global economy, sustainability may not be possible for our species.
Time is the limiting factor in the equation of survival. Unless we make the best use of every growing season that remains, before the planet is beyond saving, globally broiled beyond recognition, then we are doing too little. It may already be too late to avoid synergistic collapse of environment, economics and social evolution. Certainly that is happening in some parts of the world, right now.
Cannabis is the only common seed with four essential fatty acids (EFAs)in proper proportion for long-term consumption. Cannabis seed is, potentially, the best available source of organic vegetable protein on Earth, is a valuable rotational crop. It also tastes wonderful.
In spite of all this, Cannabis seed is not even recognized as food for humans by the United Nations Food & Agriculture Organization (UN/FAO). The overwhelming failure of logic that argues for prohibition is obviously part of a generator for political corruption and the wealthy black market. An unregulated drug market Is also a potential delivery mechanism for chemical pathogens.
On average, one law enforcement officer is killed per month, enforcing drug laws that only make drug use more prevalent. Trillions of dollars have been wasted in the futile attempt to control what can never be controlled through coersion.
The fundamental challenge of our time is to re-valuate the world's most useful and nutritious organic agricultural resource, and initiate a normal relationship with this plant, in time to plant this spring, for food, for biofuels and in the end, for world peace. The natural, god-given freedom to farm Cannabis is "self-evident," beyond the rightful jurisdiction of any court. If our children are to inherit natural rights, then we must claim them by limiting the rule of law to serve the common good. This means allowing for a truly free, organic agriculturally-based, market economy, operating in harmony with the Earth's Natural Order.
Paul J. von Hartmann Project P.E.A.C.E. Planet Ecology Advancing Conscious Economics www.pvonh.com
posted by projectpeace @
6:21 AM
Thursday, January 04, 2007  |
The following was written in response to a forum question about which currency would most likely favor our survival:
It isn't the "euro," the "dollar," the "yen," or the "sheckle" that determines whether or not humans are able to recover the global balance that would allow humankind to achieve sustainable existence. It is the character of the resource base, of whatever currency we choose, that will decide the future of this planet. Right now (and for the past three generations), our economic system is/has been based on highly toxic, unevenly distributed, unsustainable energy production. This poor choice, made early last century, could only lead to the present, extinctionistic result we are all in the middle of.
To shift the paradigm, back to sustainability, we must recognise the urgency of prioritizing respect for the Natural Order, and re-designing our economic systems to reflect increasing awareness of where we are in the paradigm we've co-created. Inertia and time-lags are working against that, but it doesn't mean that there isn't still a chance for us to recover.
In my opinion, because of our reletively recent ability to communicate globally, electronically, instantaneously, it may still be possible to achieve harmony with the primarily significant Laws that determine our collective fate. We can make energy from renewable resources. We can shift our values to disempower the short-sighted, chemical/radioactive economy, by initiating pragmatic solutions, currently being suppressed by the corrupted forces that have achieved political dominance.
Consider what would happen if the world's most useful agricultural resource were to be utilised to its fullest potential, instead of being widely, dogmatically, prohibited. Consider what the effect would be if people were suddenly aware that the Cannabis plant (a.k.a. hemp, 'marijuana') is the most immediate, best available source of renewable biofuels, organic vegetable protein and the only common seed with three essential fatty acids, on Earth. The fundamental imbalances that have resulted from inducing prolonged, essential resource scarcity are hardly being considered because of the knee-jerk resistance, resulting from propaganda, prejudice and distraction surrounding the issue of 'marijuana.'
Because we haven't had access to this "strategic" resource for so long, most people cannot imagine how critically determinate this unique and essential crop truly is. Consider that, incredibly, the UN/FAO doesn't even recognize the world's most nutritious seed as food fit for human consumption. That's just one, blatantly obvious indication of how extreme the insidious corruption of human values is.
I've been teaching people about the true value of Cannabis for the past fifteen years. A lot has changed in that time, but I am still constantly amazed at the resistance that persists, in spite of growing awareness and concern for the accelerating degeneration of our environment, economics and social structures fundamentally related to induced, essential resource scarcity. If you were on an island, and offered the choice of a barrel of petroleum or a bag of hemp seed, which would you choose? Unfortunately, our grandfathers were hood-winked into choosing the barrel of petroleum. Earth Island is now polluted and the barrel is almost empty.
If we don't snap out of "Reefer Madness" our species will become extinct as the result of synergistic collapse of the Natural Order. If we acheive global consensus on the urgency of initiating a shift to organic agricultural solutions to the equation of survival, we may yet be able to secure a liveable future. I believe that ending Cannabis prohibition is the first step to finding our way back to balance and harmony with the ancient, abiding forces that govern this planet.
'Time' is the limiting factor in the equation of survival. It is in everyone's best interest to actively demand an end to Cannabis prohibition. If we all pull together to achieve this lynch-pin change, the economic forces that steer our environmental and social evolution will shift in ways that may yet avert the predictable synergistic collapse we are certainly barreling toward.
posted by projectpeace @
11:19 AM
Sunday, February 19, 2006  |
Illegal to Eat ?
Consider how the drug war impacts food security. Because of 'marijuana' prohibition, the UN Food & Agriculture Organization has been criminally negligent by failing to promote hemp cultivation for seed protein.
Failure by the UN to acknowledge and educate people regarding the exceptional food value of Cannabis seed, introduces a global issue of grave concern, on a scale that amounts to genocide. Imposed essential resource scarcity is directly responsible for epidemic malnutrition, illness anddeath, effecting billions of people.
Interfering with people's natural right to farm an unique and essential food resource is an unacceptable, criminal consequence of prohibition, that continues to go completely unaccounted for.
posted by projectpeace @
10:06 PM
Monday, January 23, 2006  |
"The significant problems of our time are not going to be solved by the same level of thinking that got us into them." --Albert Einstein
Today's post is letter I wrote to Common Dreams, followed by a new article, saying the same things over and over again...
When is Einstein's New Level of Thinking going to finally kick-in?
Dear Editors,
I'm one of the ecologists that's been ranting about global warming and other symptoms of imminent environmental collapse, for several decades. After reading "Is It Warm in Here? We Could Be Ignoring the Biggest Story in Our History" by David Ignatius this morning, it occurred to me that you might care to consider what I believe is the biggest, roundly ignored, condition of our epoch.
An obvious solution for reversing "global broiling" exists, yet is hardly being considered. Though we truly have "nothing to fear but the atmosphere itself," we continue to impose scarcity of resources that could help us to heal our polluted air, water, and soil.
Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you with any comments or observations you may care to send.
Paul von Hartmann Project P.E.A.C.E.
"Time Lags & Global Broiling"
If you really love your children, you won't have any until 'marijuana'prohibition is ended. Unfortunately, the chances of humankind avoiding extinction are getting slimmer each day that BushCo is in power and petroleum determines who is king.
So what does the "evil drug" Cannabis'(hemp, 'marijuana') have to do with greenhouse gasses? In fact, it has everything to do with reversing the perversion of Earth's ecosystem, and rebalancing of the Natural Order. Because it's an "herb bearing seed" and has never really been a drug. Drugs don't make seeds.
Cannabis is the most useful and nutritious agricultural resource on Earth. Cannabis seed is the only common seed with three essential fatty acids (EFAs), and the best available source of organic vegetable protein on Earth. The health, behavioral and developmental impact of malnutrition imposed on people of all ages that result from prohibition of 'marijuana' far exceeds the effects of the herb, on people who choose to smoke it.
The Cannabis plant is one of the most efficient, adaptable and potentially abundant crops on Earth with multiple benefits to the atmosphere, wildlife, soil, water and other crops. Hemp is the most logical choice of organic agricultural feedstock for regional production of fuels, plastic, paper, cloth, building materials, herbal therapeutics, and thousands of essential goods.
That the United Nations Food & Agriculture Organization (UN/FAO) doesn't even recognize Cannabis seed as a food for humans is the greatest example of institutional perversion of our time. Inducing food insecurity and global malnutrition, as the result of a counter-productive "drug war" makes prohibition the single most destructive and destabilizing policy of our species.
Anyone who continues to support the prohibition of Cannabis is either ignorant, economically corrupted or afraid to take responsibility for the truth. Since time is the limiting factor in the equation of survival, we no longer have the luxury of ignoring the most obvious solution to many problems.
With every spring that passes, mankind loses another chance for rebalancing the system upon which our lives depend. Future generations, as long as there are any, will have to wonder what was going through our heads, as we prohibited the one plant we really need, in favor of toxic, unevenly distributed, finite chemicals.
The time lags, that preclude our understanding of where we are in the extinctionistic paradigm we continue to co-create, are setting us up for synergistic collapse of integrated systems. We must use our ability to communicate globally, to achieve consensus on the values that determine the basis for our global economy, and the moral and spiritual integrity of our species.
Paul J. von Hartmann Project P.E.A.C.E.Planet Ecology Advancing Conscious Economics http://www.webspawner.com/users/projectpeace
posted by projectpeace @
10:54 PM
Friday, January 20, 2006  |
To Whom It May Concern, on behalf of Robert Schmidt and his family,
I am a native of the California Republic, writing from Holland to ask that Mr. Schmidt be released immediately. Cannabis freedom in the Netherlands has been an inarguable success, compared with the policy of fascist repression imposed by the U.S. I cannot describe the shame I feel, for our American system of governance, when I read of yet another example of the failure of the drug war:
"Lifetime prevalence of cannabis use in the United States is greater than in any European Union (EU) nation, including the Netherlands, the report finds, and is nearly twice as high as the EU average. Approximately 51 percent of Americans age 15 to 34 report ever having used cannabis compared to approximately 30 percent of Europeans, the study concluded." Wednesday 4 January 2006 http://www.chanvre-info.ch/info/en/US-Cannabis-Use-Rates-Nearly-Twice.html
Besides the obvious harm being created by prohibition, how can any court have rightful jurisdiction over any "herb bearing seed" to begin with. Our government was founded on "natural rights" and "self-evident" freedoms. The freedom to farm is directly given by the Creator, with individual responsibility the only controlling influence that's needed. Cannabis only brings peace, healing, prosperity and balance where ever it is found in abundance. Prohibition has corrupted our society beyond reason. To continue a counter-productive and torturous policy is beyond criminal. End the induced scarcity of the world's most useful agricultural resource, or watch as the imbalances being created eventually manifest synergistic collapse of environment, economics, and social structures. Time is the limiting factor in the equation of survival. Robert Schmidt ought to be supported, not emprisoned, for participating in freedoms that our ancestors have sacrificed much to secure for us. It is our responsibility to do what is right for our families and future generations of Earth's inhabitants, in spite of the economic inertia of prohibition. Anyone who still supports prohibition is either ignorant, economically corrupted, or afraid to face the truth of the Cannabis plant's true value. Revaluation of Cannabis is taking place at every level, in every country. To waste anymore time, lives or money on inducing essential resource scarcity is sheer madness. Continuing to enforce prohibition is known to generate black market economics and global resource disparity. Each spring planting season that passes, without an intensive planting of Cannabis for production of food, fuel, herbal therapeutics, paper, cloth, building materials, plastics, agricultural biocides and much more, is another year wasted. This could mean the difference between extinction and sustainability. Whomever is in a position to decide Robert Schmidt's fate would do well to consider that we are all on a planet subjected to Global Broiling. If Cannabis agriculture can heal the imbalances we continue to create, then does it serve anyone to incarcerate the people who recognise the importance of this plant?
With respect for the Natural Order in all of us, Paul von HartmannProject P.E.A.C.E.Planet Ecology Advancing Conscious Economics
posted by projectpeace @
3:16 AM
Saturday, January 07, 2006  |
After reading letters from Cannabis activists who insist on "fighting" for our natural rights, I'm writing to suggest that we all stop fighting and begin healing. The distinction is significant for many reasons, on many levels.
To realise the spiritual dimensions of Cannabis cultural development, and step decisively past our present, souless, phase of human evolution, it is critical that we work together in formulating a flawless rationale. The idea of fighting is regressive, even as a means of achieving a just end.
Rather than "fighting" to heal ourselves of social and political illness, can we agree that what is needed is a purging of toxic ideology, and disengagment from the chemically oriented thinking that is poisoning our systems of governance, and our planet, to the brink of synergistic collapse.
Those entities who profit from creation of imbalance, as drug war administrations certainly do, are anxious to "fight," because that ids the established mechanism for generating capital and inflating a tax-supported bureaucracy. Problems are profitable to the present government, and justify the broadening of executive powers.
What will stop the inertia of drug war dinosaurs, feasting on our personal freedoms? First, we can agree that everyone, is a medical 'marijuana' patient, in one way or another. Prevention of illness and treatment of pain through proper nutrition effectively makes hemp foods and every other phytotherapeutic "herb bearing seed" into "medicines." Prohibition of Cannabis has imposed ignorance and scarcity of the world's most nutritious food, and created problems at every level of culture.
The absence of fundamental accountability, compassion and reason that afflicts our economic structures, also erects morally-corrupted politicians. This has finally become so blatantly exaggerated, that even those who have supported prohibition of 'marijuana' in the past, are finally coming to their senses.
I suggest that we all agree on several key truths, that will allow us to advance in the direction that we are obligated to follow. Out of concern for present and future generations, and with respect for those who fought and sacrificed so much in order to secure our precious freedoms, it is time to heal the social illnesses being imposed by our addiction to chemical economics.
The illness is called prohibition, and it is an affliction unlike any other. We ourselves justify it. We accept the jurisdiction of the court over unique and essential resources. Rather than throwing out anti-natural laws and the political creatures that rise from that moral swamp, we continue to accept the illusion being fed into our brains.
The rhetoric of "fighting for freedom" has critical effect, in maintaining the endless contest between a corrupt administration and the people who choose to have no more of it. If we stop fighting and begin healing, then the peacemakers will have transcended the power of corrupted thinking that fuels a war-like mind.
Our ancestors did not die for the "freedom to complain." They fought so that we would not have to. The image in a soldier's mind before a battle is not of endless protests and court cases. People dream of family, friends, and just being left alone to live in peace.
Unfortunately, those who find profit in problems have been imposed the equivalent of legislative diseases inducing scarcity for so long, that our generation has been drugged to accept the chemical economic delerium. The effect is to represent environmental atrocities as normalcy and chemical economics as solutions, rather than identifying such behavior as fundamentally imbalancing.
To find our way past the imposed illusion, I recommend that we all agree on several baseline truths, from which we can proceed rationally, together. To begin with, let us agree that fighting on leads to retaliation, and more fighting. We must heal prohibition by applying the whole truth about the Cannabis plant.
Considering the unique and essential nutritional value of hemp seed, the term "medical 'marijuana'" must obviously be expanded to include the exceptional value of Cannabis seed. There is no more effective preventative nutrition on the planet than Cannabis seed. We are all, in fact, potentially "medical 'marijuana' patients," if preventative nutrition from the Cannabis plant is rationally considered .
In addition, I recommend that we properly capitalise the word "Cannabis," out of respect for the world's most useful and healthful plant.
Out of disgust and disapproval, I further recommend that people stop capitalising the names of sociopaths george w. bush, dick cheney, donald rumsfeld, condoleeza rice (GMO?), and others who do not deserve other than impeachment and criminal prosecution.
I believe that the best way to heal the global imbalances imposed by prohibition, in the most timely way, would be to convene a spiritual agricultural conference early in 2006, to honor and celebrate the world's most useful and environmentally significant plant, in preparation for an intensive planting in the spring.
Illegal, anti-natural prohibition stautes, imposing resource scarcity on a dying planet are madness, infecting our governing institutions for far too long.
The structures have been corrupted for so long, that our generation cannot see other than what we were born into. Future generations depend on us to see further than the rhetoric of the drug war, and shrug off the naive trust that has lulled many people into hopeless complacency. WAKE UP and GROW UP, America! The rest of the world is suffering under the prohibitionist profiteering that's being exported by U.S. drug war dinosaurs, feeding the economics of punishment all over the world.
Time is the limiting factor in the equation of survival. We don't have another planting season to waste. By exercising essential civilian demand for a strategic food resource which is also an unique and essential medicinal resource, we will be honoring the sacrifices of our forefathers, while providing a liveable world for future generations.
Cannabis prohibition will end as soon as we all realise that Canabis has never been truly illegal. The laws don't need to change they must be recognised as counter-productive, and discarded. As with most healings, the greatest power is in the mind of the afflicted.
Best wishes to all for a peaceful holiday,
Paul von Hartmann Project P.E.A.C.E. Planet Ecology Advancing Conscious Economics
posted by projectpeace @
4:04 AM
Saturday, December 17, 2005  |
I understand and appreciate the idea of incremental success on a State level, on behalf of medical Cannabis patients, of which I'm one. Unfortunately, the State law still leaves all of us exposed to Federal and International prosecution, not to mention the dangers of living in a world being corrupted by the black market.
The seeds you're eating came from Canada, which means they are not as fresh as they could be if you could get locally grown seeds. They may also have been nutritionally comprimised during importation if they were steamed, killing enzymes and the life energy of the seed. They're also much more expensive than they would otherwise be, making them less available to people. And you ought to be able to grow your own food, and trade in a valuable commodity.
As a preventative nutritional resource, hempseed can be considered "medicinal" for anyone who eats them, and certainly they are a key resource for proper growth and development of children. It seems that in seperating hemp from 'marijuana,' we shot ourselves in the foot by conceding rightful jurisdiction over an unique and essential natural resource, to a government that has never had rightful jurisdiction.
Essential oils require 50 lbs of buds to make one ounce of fluid, so there aren't many people in the States that make them. I'm importing them from France, but even there, they're expensive as hell.
My attempt to identify our unalienable right to grow and use the whole Cannabis plant, is a challenge to U.S. Federal law and the International Treaties that limit access to Cannabis in any amount, for any reason. By exercising "essential civilian demand" for a "strategic food resource" we would gain much more by revaluating the plant in the majority interest.
I believe it is a much smaller step, in terms of social evolution, to end prohibition by public demand than by trying to get politicians to lead. Changing the laws is a long process. Identifying the laws as being based on a tragic resource mis-valuation, will reveal the fundamentally counter-productive degeneration of society resulting from prolonged, essential resource scarcity.
Our species is running out of time to heal this planet. Cannabis is a major factor in the equation. The sooner we blow by any prohibition of Cannabis, as other than counter-productive to society on many levels, the better medical patients will be protected at every level of government.
As for the financial windfall, the people keeping this plant down already know that the potential for Cannabis. They just haven't figured out how to control what is the world's most evenly distributed sustainable crop. They already control the competing industries, so why should they let Cannabis into the "free market?" Every day that passes in this economic vacuum, billions are made by polluting.
What will shift the economic inertia controlling our government? I think identifying Cannabis as a critical resource and revaluating it in proportion to its true value is the key to the necessary re-distribution of wealth that begins with changing the public's opinion about the whole Cannabis resource.
posted by projectpeace @
6:23 AM
Saturday, December 03, 2005  |