<$Project P.E.A.C.E. -- Planet Ecology Advancing Conscious Economics$>
The Limit of Law
At what point does a law become so transparently perverse that it ceases to command respect? When do truth, morality and reason over-rule an unjust, environmentally, economically and socially degenerative law? In the absence of accountability for the truth, is there an obligation to obey such a law, or is there a moral obligation to disobey it?
Prohibition of Cannabis was instituted seventy years ago, primarily in order to make money for a relative few wealthy people, at the expense of many other, poorer people. The laws prohibiting Cannabis hemp cultivation, manufacture and free trade have induced prolonged, essential resource scarcity, induced global food insecurity and malnutrition, global chemical dependence on toxic finite resources, and imposed radical economic disparity. At the same time, the "drug war" has been proven to be -- beyond doubt -- counter-productive to its own stated objectives.
The reason for this is that problems are profitable. A wealthy, all-powerful and voracious bureaucracy has been constructed to suppress economic competition from small scale, organic agriculture. Small farms stabilize regional economics, evenly distribute the wealth of what's truly valuable. Cannabis provides clean fuels, healing food, copious quantities of biodegradable fiber, plastics, and substantial agronomic benefit. Without Cannabis as part of the global economy, sustainability may not be possible for our species.
Time is the limiting factor in the equation of survival. Unless we make the best use of every growing season that remains, before the planet is beyond saving, globally broiled beyond recognition, then we are doing too little. It may already be too late to avoid synergistic collapse of environment, economics and social evolution. Certainly that is happening in some parts of the world, right now.
Cannabis is the only common seed with four essential fatty acids (EFAs)in proper proportion for long-term consumption. Cannabis seed is, potentially, the best available source of organic vegetable protein on Earth, is a valuable rotational crop. It also tastes wonderful.
In spite of all this, Cannabis seed is not even recognized as food for humans by the United Nations Food & Agriculture Organization (UN/FAO). The overwhelming failure of logic that argues for prohibition is obviously part of a generator for political corruption and the wealthy black market. An unregulated drug market Is also a potential delivery mechanism for chemical pathogens.
On average, one law enforcement officer is killed per month, enforcing drug laws that only make drug use more prevalent. Trillions of dollars have been wasted in the futile attempt to control what can never be controlled through coersion.
The fundamental challenge of our time is to re-valuate the world's most useful and nutritious organic agricultural resource, and initiate a normal relationship with this plant, in time to plant this spring, for food, for biofuels and in the end, for world peace. The natural, god-given freedom to farm Cannabis is "self-evident," beyond the rightful jurisdiction of any court. If our children are to inherit natural rights, then we must claim them by limiting the rule of law to serve the common good. This means allowing for a truly free, organic agriculturally-based, market economy, operating in harmony with the Earth's Natural Order.
Paul J. von Hartmann Project P.E.A.C.E. Planet Ecology Advancing Conscious Economics www.pvonh.com
posted by projectpeace @
6:21 AM
Thursday, January 04, 2007  |