<$Project P.E.A.C.E. -- Planet Ecology Advancing Conscious Economics$>
"The significant problems of our time are not going to be solved by the same level of thinking that got us into them." --Albert Einstein
Today's post is letter I wrote to Common Dreams, followed by a new article, saying the same things over and over again...
When is Einstein's New Level of Thinking going to finally kick-in?
Dear Editors,
I'm one of the ecologists that's been ranting about global warming and other symptoms of imminent environmental collapse, for several decades. After reading "Is It Warm in Here? We Could Be Ignoring the Biggest Story in Our History" by David Ignatius this morning, it occurred to me that you might care to consider what I believe is the biggest, roundly ignored, condition of our epoch.
An obvious solution for reversing "global broiling" exists, yet is hardly being considered. Though we truly have "nothing to fear but the atmosphere itself," we continue to impose scarcity of resources that could help us to heal our polluted air, water, and soil.
Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to hearing from you with any comments or observations you may care to send.
Paul von Hartmann Project P.E.A.C.E.
"Time Lags & Global Broiling"
If you really love your children, you won't have any until 'marijuana'prohibition is ended. Unfortunately, the chances of humankind avoiding extinction are getting slimmer each day that BushCo is in power and petroleum determines who is king.
So what does the "evil drug" Cannabis'(hemp, 'marijuana') have to do with greenhouse gasses? In fact, it has everything to do with reversing the perversion of Earth's ecosystem, and rebalancing of the Natural Order. Because it's an "herb bearing seed" and has never really been a drug. Drugs don't make seeds.
Cannabis is the most useful and nutritious agricultural resource on Earth. Cannabis seed is the only common seed with three essential fatty acids (EFAs), and the best available source of organic vegetable protein on Earth. The health, behavioral and developmental impact of malnutrition imposed on people of all ages that result from prohibition of 'marijuana' far exceeds the effects of the herb, on people who choose to smoke it.
The Cannabis plant is one of the most efficient, adaptable and potentially abundant crops on Earth with multiple benefits to the atmosphere, wildlife, soil, water and other crops. Hemp is the most logical choice of organic agricultural feedstock for regional production of fuels, plastic, paper, cloth, building materials, herbal therapeutics, and thousands of essential goods.
That the United Nations Food & Agriculture Organization (UN/FAO) doesn't even recognize Cannabis seed as a food for humans is the greatest example of institutional perversion of our time. Inducing food insecurity and global malnutrition, as the result of a counter-productive "drug war" makes prohibition the single most destructive and destabilizing policy of our species.
Anyone who continues to support the prohibition of Cannabis is either ignorant, economically corrupted or afraid to take responsibility for the truth. Since time is the limiting factor in the equation of survival, we no longer have the luxury of ignoring the most obvious solution to many problems.
With every spring that passes, mankind loses another chance for rebalancing the system upon which our lives depend. Future generations, as long as there are any, will have to wonder what was going through our heads, as we prohibited the one plant we really need, in favor of toxic, unevenly distributed, finite chemicals.
The time lags, that preclude our understanding of where we are in the extinctionistic paradigm we continue to co-create, are setting us up for synergistic collapse of integrated systems. We must use our ability to communicate globally, to achieve consensus on the values that determine the basis for our global economy, and the moral and spiritual integrity of our species.
Paul J. von Hartmann Project P.E.A.C.E.Planet Ecology Advancing Conscious Economics http://www.webspawner.com/users/projectpeace
posted by projectpeace @
10:54 PM
Friday, January 20, 2006  |