<$Project P.E.A.C.E. -- Planet Ecology Advancing Conscious Economics$>
To Whom It May Concern, on behalf of Robert Schmidt and his family,
I am a native of the California Republic, writing from Holland to ask that Mr. Schmidt be released immediately. Cannabis freedom in the Netherlands has been an inarguable success, compared with the policy of fascist repression imposed by the U.S. I cannot describe the shame I feel, for our American system of governance, when I read of yet another example of the failure of the drug war:
"Lifetime prevalence of cannabis use in the United States is greater than in any European Union (EU) nation, including the Netherlands, the report finds, and is nearly twice as high as the EU average. Approximately 51 percent of Americans age 15 to 34 report ever having used cannabis compared to approximately 30 percent of Europeans, the study concluded." Wednesday 4 January 2006 http://www.chanvre-info.ch/info/en/US-Cannabis-Use-Rates-Nearly-Twice.html
Besides the obvious harm being created by prohibition, how can any court have rightful jurisdiction over any "herb bearing seed" to begin with. Our government was founded on "natural rights" and "self-evident" freedoms. The freedom to farm is directly given by the Creator, with individual responsibility the only controlling influence that's needed. Cannabis only brings peace, healing, prosperity and balance where ever it is found in abundance. Prohibition has corrupted our society beyond reason. To continue a counter-productive and torturous policy is beyond criminal. End the induced scarcity of the world's most useful agricultural resource, or watch as the imbalances being created eventually manifest synergistic collapse of environment, economics, and social structures. Time is the limiting factor in the equation of survival. Robert Schmidt ought to be supported, not emprisoned, for participating in freedoms that our ancestors have sacrificed much to secure for us. It is our responsibility to do what is right for our families and future generations of Earth's inhabitants, in spite of the economic inertia of prohibition. Anyone who still supports prohibition is either ignorant, economically corrupted, or afraid to face the truth of the Cannabis plant's true value. Revaluation of Cannabis is taking place at every level, in every country. To waste anymore time, lives or money on inducing essential resource scarcity is sheer madness. Continuing to enforce prohibition is known to generate black market economics and global resource disparity. Each spring planting season that passes, without an intensive planting of Cannabis for production of food, fuel, herbal therapeutics, paper, cloth, building materials, plastics, agricultural biocides and much more, is another year wasted. This could mean the difference between extinction and sustainability. Whomever is in a position to decide Robert Schmidt's fate would do well to consider that we are all on a planet subjected to Global Broiling. If Cannabis agriculture can heal the imbalances we continue to create, then does it serve anyone to incarcerate the people who recognise the importance of this plant?
With respect for the Natural Order in all of us, Paul von HartmannProject P.E.A.C.E.Planet Ecology Advancing Conscious Economics
posted by projectpeace @
3:16 AM
Saturday, January 07, 2006  |