<$Project P.E.A.C.E. -- Planet Ecology Advancing Conscious Economics$>
After reading letters from Cannabis activists who insist on "fighting" for our natural rights, I'm writing to suggest that we all stop fighting and begin healing. The distinction is significant for many reasons, on many levels.
To realise the spiritual dimensions of Cannabis cultural development, and step decisively past our present, souless, phase of human evolution, it is critical that we work together in formulating a flawless rationale. The idea of fighting is regressive, even as a means of achieving a just end.
Rather than "fighting" to heal ourselves of social and political illness, can we agree that what is needed is a purging of toxic ideology, and disengagment from the chemically oriented thinking that is poisoning our systems of governance, and our planet, to the brink of synergistic collapse.
Those entities who profit from creation of imbalance, as drug war administrations certainly do, are anxious to "fight," because that ids the established mechanism for generating capital and inflating a tax-supported bureaucracy. Problems are profitable to the present government, and justify the broadening of executive powers.
What will stop the inertia of drug war dinosaurs, feasting on our personal freedoms? First, we can agree that everyone, is a medical 'marijuana' patient, in one way or another. Prevention of illness and treatment of pain through proper nutrition effectively makes hemp foods and every other phytotherapeutic "herb bearing seed" into "medicines." Prohibition of Cannabis has imposed ignorance and scarcity of the world's most nutritious food, and created problems at every level of culture.
The absence of fundamental accountability, compassion and reason that afflicts our economic structures, also erects morally-corrupted politicians. This has finally become so blatantly exaggerated, that even those who have supported prohibition of 'marijuana' in the past, are finally coming to their senses.
I suggest that we all agree on several key truths, that will allow us to advance in the direction that we are obligated to follow. Out of concern for present and future generations, and with respect for those who fought and sacrificed so much in order to secure our precious freedoms, it is time to heal the social illnesses being imposed by our addiction to chemical economics.
The illness is called prohibition, and it is an affliction unlike any other. We ourselves justify it. We accept the jurisdiction of the court over unique and essential resources. Rather than throwing out anti-natural laws and the political creatures that rise from that moral swamp, we continue to accept the illusion being fed into our brains.
The rhetoric of "fighting for freedom" has critical effect, in maintaining the endless contest between a corrupt administration and the people who choose to have no more of it. If we stop fighting and begin healing, then the peacemakers will have transcended the power of corrupted thinking that fuels a war-like mind.
Our ancestors did not die for the "freedom to complain." They fought so that we would not have to. The image in a soldier's mind before a battle is not of endless protests and court cases. People dream of family, friends, and just being left alone to live in peace.
Unfortunately, those who find profit in problems have been imposed the equivalent of legislative diseases inducing scarcity for so long, that our generation has been drugged to accept the chemical economic delerium. The effect is to represent environmental atrocities as normalcy and chemical economics as solutions, rather than identifying such behavior as fundamentally imbalancing.
To find our way past the imposed illusion, I recommend that we all agree on several baseline truths, from which we can proceed rationally, together. To begin with, let us agree that fighting on leads to retaliation, and more fighting. We must heal prohibition by applying the whole truth about the Cannabis plant.
Considering the unique and essential nutritional value of hemp seed, the term "medical 'marijuana'" must obviously be expanded to include the exceptional value of Cannabis seed. There is no more effective preventative nutrition on the planet than Cannabis seed. We are all, in fact, potentially "medical 'marijuana' patients," if preventative nutrition from the Cannabis plant is rationally considered .
In addition, I recommend that we properly capitalise the word "Cannabis," out of respect for the world's most useful and healthful plant.
Out of disgust and disapproval, I further recommend that people stop capitalising the names of sociopaths george w. bush, dick cheney, donald rumsfeld, condoleeza rice (GMO?), and others who do not deserve other than impeachment and criminal prosecution.
I believe that the best way to heal the global imbalances imposed by prohibition, in the most timely way, would be to convene a spiritual agricultural conference early in 2006, to honor and celebrate the world's most useful and environmentally significant plant, in preparation for an intensive planting in the spring.
Illegal, anti-natural prohibition stautes, imposing resource scarcity on a dying planet are madness, infecting our governing institutions for far too long.
The structures have been corrupted for so long, that our generation cannot see other than what we were born into. Future generations depend on us to see further than the rhetoric of the drug war, and shrug off the naive trust that has lulled many people into hopeless complacency. WAKE UP and GROW UP, America! The rest of the world is suffering under the prohibitionist profiteering that's being exported by U.S. drug war dinosaurs, feeding the economics of punishment all over the world.
Time is the limiting factor in the equation of survival. We don't have another planting season to waste. By exercising essential civilian demand for a strategic food resource which is also an unique and essential medicinal resource, we will be honoring the sacrifices of our forefathers, while providing a liveable world for future generations.
Cannabis prohibition will end as soon as we all realise that Canabis has never been truly illegal. The laws don't need to change they must be recognised as counter-productive, and discarded. As with most healings, the greatest power is in the mind of the afflicted.
Best wishes to all for a peaceful holiday,
Paul von Hartmann Project P.E.A.C.E. Planet Ecology Advancing Conscious Economics
posted by projectpeace @
4:04 AM
Saturday, December 17, 2005  |