Project P.E.A.C.E. - Revaluating Cannabis  

<$Project P.E.A.C.E. -- Planet Ecology Advancing Conscious Economics$>


The following was written in response to a forum question about which currency would most likely favor our survival:

It isn't the "euro," the "dollar," the "yen," or the "sheckle" that determines whether or not
humans are able to recover the global balance that would allow humankind to achieve sustainable
existence. It is the character of the resource base, of whatever currency we choose, that will
decide the future of this planet. Right now (and for the past three generations), our economic
system is/has been based on highly toxic, unevenly distributed, unsustainable energy production.
This poor choice, made early last century, could only lead to the present, extinctionistic result
we are all in the middle of.

To shift the paradigm, back to sustainability, we must recognise the urgency of prioritizing
respect for the Natural Order, and re-designing our economic systems to reflect increasing
awareness of where we are in the paradigm we've co-created. Inertia and time-lags are working
against that, but it doesn't mean that there isn't still a chance for us to recover.

In my opinion, because of our reletively recent ability to communicate globally, electronically,
instantaneously, it may still be possible to achieve harmony with the primarily significant Laws
that determine our collective fate. We can make energy from renewable resources. We can shift our
values to disempower the short-sighted, chemical/radioactive economy, by initiating pragmatic
solutions, currently being suppressed by the corrupted forces that have achieved political

Consider what would happen if the world's most useful agricultural resource were to be utilised to
its fullest potential, instead of being widely, dogmatically, prohibited. Consider what the effect
would be if people were suddenly aware that the Cannabis plant (a.k.a. hemp, 'marijuana') is the
most immediate, best available source of renewable biofuels, organic vegetable protein and the
only common seed with three essential fatty acids, on Earth. The fundamental imbalances that have
resulted from inducing prolonged, essential resource scarcity are hardly being considered because
of the knee-jerk resistance, resulting from propaganda, prejudice and distraction surrounding the
issue of 'marijuana.'

Because we haven't had access to this "strategic" resource for so long, most people cannot imagine
how critically determinate this unique and essential crop truly is. Consider that, incredibly, the
UN/FAO doesn't even recognize the world's most nutritious seed as food fit for human consumption.
That's just one, blatantly obvious indication of how extreme the insidious corruption of human
values is.

I've been teaching people about the true value of Cannabis for the past fifteen years. A lot has
changed in that time, but I am still constantly amazed at the resistance that persists, in spite
of growing awareness and concern for the accelerating degeneration of our environment, economics
and social structures fundamentally related to induced, essential resource scarcity. If you were
on an island, and offered the choice of a barrel of petroleum or a bag of hemp seed, which would
you choose? Unfortunately, our grandfathers were hood-winked into choosing the barrel of
petroleum. Earth Island is now polluted and the barrel is almost empty.

If we don't snap out of "Reefer Madness" our species will become extinct as the result of
synergistic collapse of the Natural Order. If we acheive global consensus on the urgency of
initiating a shift to organic agricultural solutions to the equation of survival, we may yet be
able to secure a liveable future. I believe that ending Cannabis prohibition is the first step to
finding our way back to balance and harmony with the ancient, abiding forces that govern this

'Time' is the limiting factor in the equation of survival. It is in everyone's best interest to
actively demand an end to Cannabis prohibition. If we all pull together to achieve this lynch-pin
change, the economic forces that steer our environmental and social evolution will shift in ways
that may yet avert the predictable synergistic collapse we are certainly barreling toward.

  posted by projectpeace @ 11:19 AM

Sunday, February 19, 2006  
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